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Casas de nación (Houses of nation)

Julián Camilo Corzo Ochoa

Casas de nación

Casa de palabras: mátame.

Casa de imágenes: acógeme.

En este mundo de casa y casas,

¿dónde quedó la casa de aquél?

¿Qué le enseñaron en la casa al que,

desde la calle, destruye la paz

y perpetúa el sufrimiento?

Casa silenciosa: háblame.

Casa pacífica: revélate.

Ruinas de ciudad,

iglesias quemadas,

cárceles rimbombantes,

hacen mi sociedad.

Reyes de masas.

Masas sin reyes.

Personas domesticadas.

Universo de cuatro paredes.

Tú, sin hogar…

Casa de arte: créate.

¡Casa de casas: derrúmbate!

Houses of nation

House of words: kill me.

House of images: embrace me.

In this world of houses and houses,

where was that one’s house?

What did they teach in the house of he who,

from the street, destroys the peace

and perpetuates suffering?

Silent house: talk to me.

Peaceful house: rebel yourself.

City ruins,

burnt churches,

ostentatious jails,

make my society.

Kings of multitudes.

Multitudes without kings.

Domesticated people.

Four-walled universe.

You, without a home…

House of art: create yourself.

House of houses: demolish yourself!

Writer's bio:

Julián (he/him) is a Spanish-Colombian 4th year Biomedical Sciences student in Edinburgh Napier. He is interested in topics such as migration, place in society, class struggle, love, death… Any progressive motif gets his attention. He likes to write poetry and stories and is passionate about film and art. In the past he has collaborated with World Wide Napier.


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