The Broad is a student run initiative and a place where you can gain valuable writing experience. With no agenda other than giving voice to as many points of view as possible, The Broad is an unbiased platform.
As an opinion-piece publication, articles submitted must be the author’s own response to an ongoing debate, situation or current news topic. It doesn’t matter how popular or unpopular your point of view, as long as it’s a genuine expression of thought and you're willing to collaborate with our editors to make your piece as great as it can be! We are also interested in your creative works of poetry, prose, or short drama; whatever you feel inspired to write.​
Please email or if you are interested!
Anonymity is not something we offer our writers unwittingly. We understand that this can offer a comfortable place for people to voice disrespectful, distasteful and offensive opinions – normalising this type of discourse. However, we believe that it is an important tool to encourage people to be as open and honest about their view as possible. Self-censorship is one of the biggest day-to-day killers of free speech on campus, one that routinely goes under the radar.
Anyone can write anonymously. The broadest possible debate means all ideas need an equal platform to be applauded and better understood, delegitimised and rebuked or rebutted and developed. Free speech needs to be constantly pushed to its limits.
We encourage those who want to write anonymously to use a pseudonym so that, if you write more than one article, it is clear that these articles come from the same writer and can form one body of work.
If you have any questions about writing for The Broad, feel free to email
*Articles published on The Broad reflect writers’ personal views and not necessarily those of The Broad, nor its team.
As a completely student-run student initiative, we often have vacancies for enthusiastic and energetic students who want to get involved in the running of The Broad day to day.
Current vacancies:
Publicity manager
If you are interested in working with us, please email for more information.